Registered under Registry of Societies on 14th June 1973
Re-endorsement on 7th May 2014


4.1 Ordinary Members

  1. 4.1.1 Ordinary membership is open to Malaysian who has earned an academic qualification of a diploma, bachelor, master or doctoral degree from an accredited institution in a field related to medicine, sports and exercise science, allied healthcare, and other related disciplines recognized by the Council of MASM.
  2. 4.1.2 Ordinary members have voting rights and eligibility to stand for office.
  3. 4.1.3 The fee for ordinary membership is RM 50 per annum (expires on 31st December of each calendar year).
  4. 4.1.4 The fees for all membership categories shall be determined and reviewed by the MASM Council as needed from time to time.

4.2 Associate Members

  1. 4.2.1 Associate membership is open to anyone who is interested in fields related to sports and exercise medicine, and supports the objectives and goals of MASM.
  2. 4.2.2 Associate members do not have voting rights and are not eligible to stand for office.
  3. 4.2.3 Associate members are able to enjoy all other membership benefits as ordinary members.
  4. 4.2.4 The fee for associate membership is RM 30 per annum (expires on 31st December of each calendar year).
  5. 4.2.5 The fees for all membership categories shall be determined and reviewed by the MASM Council as needed from time to time.

4.3 Life members

  1. 4.3.1 Life membership is only open to any ordinary members that have joined MASM for at least two (2) full years with good standing.
  2. 4.3.2 Life members have voting rights and eligibility to stand for office bearer
  3. 4.3.3 The fee for life Membership is RM 500.
  4. 4.3.4 The fees for all membership categories shall be determined and reviewed by the MASM Council as needed from time to time.

4.4 Corporate members

  1. 4.4.1 Corporate membership is open to any companies that have a keen interest in supporting MASM to promote and develop sports and exercise medicine in Malaysia.
  2. 4.4.2 The fee for corporate membership is RM 1000 per annum (expires on 31st December of each calendar year).
  3. 4.4.3 A corporate member cannot opt for life membership at any time.
  4. 4.4.4 Corporate members are not allowed to hold any position in the Council and do not have voting rights.
  5. 4.4.5 Benefits of corporate membership include:
    1. Two (2) representatives from each corporate member will be able to enjoy the special membership rate for any events organised or co-organised by MASM
    2. To be listed as MASM corporate member in MASM Membership website
    3. The fees for all membership categories shall be determined and reviewed by the Council of MASM as needed from time to time.

4.5 Fellow of MASM

  1. A Fellow of MASM shall be elected at a General Meeting, on the recommendation of the Council of MASM for outstanding professional and meritorious contributions to the field of sports and exercise medicine. Fellows of the Association will be entitled to use the abbreviation, FMASM, after their names.

4.6 Membership Termination

  1. 4.6.1 Members who did not renew their membership after one (1) year will have their membership deactivated.
  2. 4.6.2 Members who did not renew membership for two (2) consecutive years will result in permanent cancellation of membership

4.7 Re-joining Fees

  1. 4.7.1 Any member who has lapsed in payment of membership subscription shall have to pay a re-joining fee when they wish to re-join the Association. The re-joining fee shall be twice the amount of the annual fee, and arrears shall be waived.
  2. 4.7.2 Members will also have to pay the membership fee for the current year.
  3. 4.7.3 Members who have lapsed in their membership subscription will not be able to apply for Life membership until they have paid up their re-joining fee